Writer Quote of the Day

“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”

Thomas Mann, Essays of Three Decades


How true is that?

Most people can write, even if only their name.

Most people can fashion a blog or a letter or a job application, even if they need some help.

Those who are called to write from a professional standpoint … it becomes harder.

Forcing creativity is a challenge. The right words don’t always come. Or they fall out in the wrong order. Or some words are missing and they’re needed to make the entire work make sense.

Inspiration doesn’t come on demand and sometimes pops in at the most inopportune times when you don’t have a pen or paper or app to capture it.

Deadlines can be killers of words. The closer a due date looms the harder it is to write. The words that are written are scratched as soon as they hit the paper. More than one writer has begged leniency from an editor for an extended deadline. And self-imposed deadlines? They are made of elastic.

Finally, that sense of writing something beautiful, read-worthy and magical that puffs out your chest and makes you feel you’ve chosen the right path can be vaporised into the air by one tiny criticism, a rejection letter, a comment.

Such a nefarious activity, writing.

And yet, we crave it. We love it. We play with words and build castles of stories.

We wouldn’t have it any other way. Writers are tough, strong, persistent, insistent and dedicated to their craft. We can handle difficult … can’t we?

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