Anna Featherstone: Tips on Self Publishing


Self-publishing is entirely doable but it’s a hairy beast with lots of moving parts. Not everyone does it well. When you consider the fact that Australian authors earn less than $12,000 per annum from their writing, being able to keep more of the earnings rather than sharing royalties and rights with publishing houses is appealing. … Read more

Anna Featherstone and Her Writing Journey

Raised in a family of 5 children, money was in short supply. To entertain the children, Anna’s father created a make-believe world and made up stories. He invited the kids to name an object or element and he would weave a story to include that element. Combine that imagination with the discipline and skill involved … Read more

Self Publishing Your Book

Chandler Bolt has been about for a while now so he is building credibility more and more in the self-publishing world. I’m really putting this here to remind myself to watch it but this vid is a good interview in terms of the info Chandler provides. Lots of good snippets even though its 3 years … Read more