Hi there! I’m Melanie.
I’m a professional trainer, running my own training consultancy for 20 years. Couple that with a career as an Advertising Copywriter, and I now help people with writing: getting their words on the page and enjoying that process so they can be proud to put their writing out there.
I believe writing is a skill that, from a craft point of view, can be taught.
I believe everyone has stories to tell, no matter their life experience.
What lights me up? Seeing people ‘get it’. Seeing people shift and grow through reflective practice, self directed learning and considered coaching. I love that look on people’s faces.
In terms of writing, I’ve been published in anthologies, magazines and broadcast radio. I have taken many self-directed learning courses at university and with expert authors to develop my writing.
I employ all of that, and more, to help people with their writing quest.
Here’s an idea of what I bring to the writing table.
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology & Theatre)
- Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Cert IV Training and Assessment
- Cert IV Small Business Management
- Master NLP Practitioner & EFT Practitioner
- Certified Hypnotherapist
- Accredited DiSC Assessor
- former Credentialed Springboard Trainer
- former Board Director and State President, AITD
- Accredited DiSC Assessor
- Published Author
When I’m not helping others or volunteering, you’ll find me digging in the garden, kicking back with friends, heading out for a camping meetup or playing the ukelele. It’s all about balance, isn’t it?